Quickstart-Instructions for the Supplets Plugin for Internet Explorer
(Sorry that the screenshots are from the german version, but I am sure you can map it!)
- klick the textmarker symbol:
As long as the surface of the button stays lowered, text which is selected lateron gets highlighted automatically - this mode is comparable to holding the textmarker in your hand.
- while selecting text with pressed left mouse button hold down the "Ctrl" and "Y" keys
- klick with the right mouse button on the selected text; a context menu will pop up:
Klick on "Markieren" which should read "textmark" in the english version.
After checking those possibilities you might want to change the styles, e.g. in case you prefer
highlighting in green - no problem, in the menu "Extras" of IE you will find an entry "Supplets options".
Selecting this will offer a lot of configuration possibilities, should a setting be unclear just klick the
question mark in the upper right corner of the window and your cursor will transform itself into a question mark.
Now klick on the element in question and you will get an explanation; hopefully the one you were after!