=sizeof($parts)-1) return true; $bdir="."; for($i=0;$i<=$level;$i++) $bdir=$bdir."/".$parts[$i]; $level+=1; if(check_Files($bdir,$level)) return check_Dirs($level); else return false; } $overall_dist=0; $QUERY_STRING=$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $parts=split("/",$QUERY_STRING); if($parts[sizeof($parts)-1]=="") array_pop($parts); if($parts[0]!="") array_unshift($parts,""); if(check_Dirs(0)){ $goto="http://".$_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"].implode("/",$parts); } //found correct address -> //redirect page if(isset($goto)){//die($goto); echo " Case mismatch or typo, forwarding...

Welcome dear visitor!

We figure you wanted to see $goto so you will be sent there in a second.

Please contact $name if this is not correct.

Case insensitive URLs, get the PHP script for your server! "; die(); } //nothing found -> //alternative, standard error page: if($error_page!=""){ readfile($error_page); die(); } echo "An error occured!

An error occured; please contact $name and report the problem!

You might want to go back one page or go to the top-level page.

"; ?>